Saturday, 27 September 2008

Purple rash

We've all been sick for the last few weeks. Dane and I had chest x-rays to check for pneumonia. We also had conjunctivitis, coughs, vomitting etc. But the icing on the cake was when Sarah came out with a purple rash on Wednesday. I took her to the local doctor and he told me to get her to hospital immediately. Although she didn't have any of the other symptoms of meningococcal we didn't want to take any chances. At the hospital the doctors didn't waste any time getting a drip into her and pumping her full of anti-biotics just in case. It was a little scary, but a priesthood blessing gave me confidence it was nothing serious. The hardest part was trying to keep Sarah occupied. She was in isolation, so she couldn't play with the other children in the play room, and she was attached 24 hours a day to the drip (she had to take her 'puppy' with her around the room). Poor Todd had the task of staying overnight with her and got a grand total of 2 hours sleep.

At one point Sarah grabbed her drip stand and declared in front of the nurses "I want to go to another party!" Another time she performed stomach rolls for the doctor. She cracks me up sometimes.
The doctors finally worked out that she had an allergic reaction to the virus and some of the blood vessels had leaked and caused purple bruising that looked like a rash. We were so relieved when allowed to go home. Does that face look sick to you?