Monday, 2 June 2008

Snuggle bunnies


Amelia said...

They look so cuddly and delightful

Kristie said...

Sarah has turned into a teletubbie.

Dee said...

Sarah a boy? no Kristie is right, a teletubbie. The blessing photos look lovely. Seriously you are so lucky to have Todd's parents give them lots of love too. That baby, so clever to sleep through his blessing. That girl, so typical for the first born to make a fuss when they are not the centre of attention. You look beautiful. Yummy Mummy.

Rachel Brown said...

adorable, like your very own teddy bears. it is sweetly surprising to remember that you are having cold while we ar swealtering here.

Dinah said...
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Dinah said...

Hi Kate: I am finally catching up on all your blogs and of course the first thing was being sad at not being there for the blessing. How beautiful your famly looks. So glad we know about eternal families. Sarah is so cute in her pink suit and getting so tall. You and Todd are just such a special couple, what lucky children to have you as their parents. I am enjoying all the photos ...keep them coming....dinah

Jessiesmylieyahoo,com said...
