Monday, 17 March 2008

Not long now

The nesting instinct has kicked in. I've spent this last week sorting out cupboards, washing floors, uncluttering bookshelves and surfaces (like the top of the fridge), and removing cobwebs. Todd's been busy too, making the yard secure for Sarah (who has just started to run) and our dog, fixing the front door, and answering my endless question "what shall I do with this" to which he almost always replies "Chuck it". Todd's loving this burst of enthusiastic cleaning and decluttering and he even dislocated his shoulder helping me clean places under the bed I couldn't reach. I think he's hoping I'm a changed woman - I doubt it. But I must admit, it feels so good to know that the top of the extractor fan in the kitchen is clean. I've finished work now, and am due in just over 2 weeks. I've packed my bag for hospital, and have set up the bassinet in our room. I have washed his tiny little clothes and sewn a couple of blankets. I've practiced relaxation breathing, and Todd and I have practiced acupressure points for labour. I'm ready to meet our son ... I think. I've heard second births are much easier. And don't anyone tell me otherwise. Now its time to relax and enjoy Sarah as my little baby, and savour quiet evenings with Todd. Who knows how long it will be before the fun begins, but one thing I do know - By hook or by crook he's coming ...


Kristie said...

I can totally relate to the top of the fridge comment. It is just a magnet for the "i don't know where to put" things or the "I'm sure this belongs to something" items. If you don't blog before the birth good luck and we look forward to seeing pics and meeting him. Lots of love.

Anonymous said...

wow - it doesn't seem like it's been a whole pregnancy since you were here!!! we'll keep in our prayers and be thinking of you - can't wait for his big international debut on your blog. do we have a name?

steven could never remember the word nesting and always referred to it "roosting". he probably had it right tho - nesting has a more gentle, and calm, and petite sound to it - and i was anything but petite!!!

Sarie said...

I am so excited, Kate. The first place you must come after the hospital is your computer. To post pictures for those of us that can't be near!! I can't wait! yay! I wish I was you...

Dee said...

i love your work. i felt like nested but managed to resist the urge. i didn't even pack my bag until i was 5 days over due. i think erin will be sleeping with me until she leaves home unless i can find just an extra hour each day to sort out the spare room for her.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sharon
Nesting is what you do before the baby arrives, but roosting is having the baby. So Katie, I hope your roosting goes well and you lay a good egg.

Anonymous said...

hello kate
Thankyou for the link to your blog. Sorry I missed seeing you on our whirlwind visit to Australia recently. It was wonderful to meet the rest of the cousins. I love your blog and seeing pretty pictures of Zara's "second cousins". I have a blog too, but it is about perfume, though I did include a post about our beautiful nanna recently and pics:

Looking forward to seeing more pics and the new baby, love Rita from London

Amelia said...

Yes I have heard that second births are easier too, and I'm sure your beautiful boy will kindly keep to the plans. All the best Katie for the big day, sounds like you're ready. I love you!

ariana said...

hi kate,
I can't believe you are so close to your second already. You were just closing on the house when we were there which somehow doesn't seem that long ago. Now you have made it a home and have a blossoming family to boot. I am so ready to start decorating my own home. We start moving in the first of June. We found a lovely three bedroom farmhouse with plenty of room. I have already started collecting chairs and curtains. To date, we have three tables!! You tell people you are getting married, and they are more than happy to give you a garage full of furniture. We really have been blessed. Good Luck with all the L&D and look forward to picts of everything. Well...maybe not everything. I have my OB clinicals next year. I am sure I will see plenty then.
lots of love,

Anonymous said...

any time now katie - if it hasn't happened already - hope all is going well - thinking of you all - can't wait for his big debut - we love you all - miss you too - love sharry and family.