Wednesday, 30 April 2008

A moments peace

Why oh why did I not wean Sarah while I had the chance? Because she's my baby and she loves it and it gives me a chance to sit for a moment. Just call me Jersey.
Dane has decided he would rather be held than put in his bassinet thankyou very much. I'm hoping the honeymoon isn't over and he will one day sleep at night. He was grizzly for quite a bit of last night, and thankfully Todd held him while dozing on the couch for a good part of the night. He seems to have a lot of wind - maybe something I ate. I'm really hoping its not the chocolate, because I don't want to have to choose between him and the chocolate.

The only thing better than a spoon, is a wipe and a spoon. I have to ration the wipes as Sarah loves cleaning, and also wrapping things up. She's such a good little helper.

Monday, 28 April 2008

Precious moments

On Saturday night I wasn't up to cooking dinner (in fact I have avoided cooked since Dane was born 3 weeks ago) Todd made a little fire pit on our back deck and cooked ham, cheese and tomato toasted sandwiches in the fire. They were delicious, and we felt like we were camping without all the hassle. Afterwards Sarah was cuddling on my lap and we were looking at the stars (Sarah rarely cuddles for more than a few seconds, so it was a lovely moment) and then out of the blue she said "love you". I was so touched that she would think to say that all on her own.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but as you would appreciate, its hard to find the time. Some evenings I have been going to bed at 8:30pm, which is definately not like me. But I'm doing great. Todd is taking a couple of days off a week to help out at home and I have wonderful family and friends that have made meals and babysat Sarah. I'm easing back into Relief Society stuff, and I ventured out with Dane and Sarah on my own for the first time today. It didn't go too badly. Dane loved being tucked away in the sling, and Sarah was happy enough in the pram as long as she had some chips to eat. Dane only pooed up his back once - so its been a great day.

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Meet Dane Jeffrey

Born Sunday 6th April 2008 at 1:20am. He weighed 3450 grams, which is 7 pounds 9.5 ounces, 51cm long and 36cm head circ. We got to the hospital 11pm Saturday night, and fortunately we got the room with the bath. He was born in the water a couple of hours later. Todd was right behind me the whole time letting me crush his fingers. It all went so smoothly. Such a contrast from Sarah's birth. When he was born the midwife said I had the biggest grin on my face. It was so wonderful to hold him in my arms. So far he has been the cruisiest baby ever. Hardly ever cries (didn't even wimper when he had the heel prick test), happy to just lie on you lap and look around, feeds beautifully (we've even mastered feeding lying down in bed) and is happy to go off to sleep without any jiggling. We're in heaven. Mum flew over from Adelaide yesterday and its so good to have her here to share the joy. Sarah's been great with Dane too - very gentle (most of the time) and loves to talk about what he's doing "Baby sleeping" "Baby sucking" - that's about it. Anyway, I'm in love all over again.

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Sarah's testing out the bassinet

This is my baby. I can't believe she's going to be my big girl soon.

Bad photo

but this might be my last opportunity to take a photo of me pregnant. I've bee avoiding any photos as I've put on more weight with this pregnancy than with Sarah. My midwife said it might be fluid retention, but I said "no, just chocolate". I'm counting on breastfeeding to help me out here. Isn't it incredible that there's a fully formed little baby tucked away in there that could be in my arms at any time now.

4 days overdue

This is not working out as planned. I cleaned the house from top to bottom, but now its dusty again. I wanted our new baby to come home to a sparkling house, but its proving tricky as he's a little tardy and so he'll just have to get what he's given. I've been having more painful contractions last night and this morning, and I'm starting to remember what I'm in for. Todd's gone off to run an auction and would prefer that I didn't have the baby between 11 and 11:30 this morning, so I'll do my best. Sarah and I made some chocolate brownies this morning. You know how most people make meals and freeze them, so they don't have to cook when the baby arrives - well I can survive on brownies for atleast a week, so we should be okay now.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know where we were up to for those who were wondering. Mum comes over to visit in 4 days, so hopefully I have a new grand-baby for her to cuddle when she gets here. Can't wait.