Saturday, 5 April 2008

Bad photo

but this might be my last opportunity to take a photo of me pregnant. I've bee avoiding any photos as I've put on more weight with this pregnancy than with Sarah. My midwife said it might be fluid retention, but I said "no, just chocolate". I'm counting on breastfeeding to help me out here. Isn't it incredible that there's a fully formed little baby tucked away in there that could be in my arms at any time now.


Jessiesmylieyahoo,com said...

ajhikatelovejessieand murphythedog

Sarie said...

I kept checking back here hoping there would be a picture of a new baby. I did a double take when I saw Sarah in the bassinet. Kate, you look so great. Your tummy is still round, how did you manage that? You will look back at that picture and love it eventually! My tummy turns oblong and it's not pretty. Don't worry, I'll post one on my blog to gawk at!! Maybe he'll be born tonight or tomorrow??????? Maybe??