Saturday, 5 April 2008

4 days overdue

This is not working out as planned. I cleaned the house from top to bottom, but now its dusty again. I wanted our new baby to come home to a sparkling house, but its proving tricky as he's a little tardy and so he'll just have to get what he's given. I've been having more painful contractions last night and this morning, and I'm starting to remember what I'm in for. Todd's gone off to run an auction and would prefer that I didn't have the baby between 11 and 11:30 this morning, so I'll do my best. Sarah and I made some chocolate brownies this morning. You know how most people make meals and freeze them, so they don't have to cook when the baby arrives - well I can survive on brownies for atleast a week, so we should be okay now.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know where we were up to for those who were wondering. Mum comes over to visit in 4 days, so hopefully I have a new grand-baby for her to cuddle when she gets here. Can't wait.


Jessiesmylieyahoo,com said...

hikatehowaredoingjustwanted tosay
still workimgonmyrecipe

Jessiesmylieyahoo,com said...

oopps howareyoudoing?
sillworkingonmy recipebook

Anonymous said...

kate you looks so gorgeous - i just love pregnant bellies - i didn't even my own if thats all i saw!!

thanks for the update - i check in at least twice a day just so i am not the last one, or even the second one, to find out the big news. you have to teach todd how to enter a post so that we can have as close to while-its-happening coverage as possible.

we love you all, and wish you all the best - we'll keep you in our prayers.