Why oh why did I not wean Sarah while I had the chance? Because she's my baby and she loves it and it gives me a chance to sit for a moment. Just call me Jersey.
Dane has decided he would rather be held than put in his bassinet thankyou very much. I'm hoping the honeymoon isn't over and he will one day sleep at night. He was grizzly for quite a bit of last night, and thankfully Todd held him while dozing on the couch for a good part of the night. He seems to have a lot of wind - maybe something I ate. I'm really hoping its not the chocolate, because I don't want to have to choose between him and the chocolate.
The only thing better than a spoon, is a wipe and a spoon. I have to ration the wipes as Sarah loves cleaning, and also wrapping things up. She's such a good little helper.
She is so cute I want to eat her ;) - you need to get a close up of Dane so that we can see how he's changing - they grow so quickly and we are missing it.
Luv ya
Kate you look so content as a jersey cow. I have no wisdom to impart about nightime sleeping habits as I am up to the boys once or twice each during the night...and they still manage to wet their beds inbetween!! Anyone with ideas for nightime toilet training?? love you all xx
Don't you just want to pat Sarah's bottom? She is so CUTE.
hey kate, honey...just a little f.y.i....if they can stand next to you while they feed it may be time to look for other options in mother/daughter bonding. :)
on the other hand it is a unique twist in teaching the concept of sharing!
love you all.
My girls love wipes as well! You look so great as a mother of two (aka jersey).
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